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Light Filtering Shades in New York City

Light filtering window treatments allow you to control the amount of natural light that enters a room. In addition to enhancing the beauty of your home, they can also improve privacy and security and reduce sun exposure in rooms that get a high level of natural light. At Prestigious Blinds, our window treatment design experts can help you choose the perfect coverings for your home windows. We carry a wide selection of quality fabrics, designs, and styles and also offer custom options. Call us now or visit our showroom to explore your options for light filtering shades in New York City.

Light Filtering Shades at Home in New York City

The Benefits of Light Filtering Shades for Windows

When you install light filtering window shades, you can reduce the amount of natural light that enters a room while also improving your privacy and enhancing the decor and ambiance of your home. This elegant, functional type of window treatment can:

  • Enhance Privacy – Though light filtering window treatments allow natural light to pass through, they also provide some privacy. It will be harder to see into your windows during the day, and you can take advantage of the benefits of natural light. At night, you can use a secondary or layered window treatment for full privacy.
  • Allow Complete Control Over Natural Light – Depending on the type of window treatment you choose; you have varying levels of control over natural light. Zebra shades, sheer curtains, solar shades, window blinds, and cellular shades allow you to adjust the covering to change the level of natural light that enters.
  • Improve Energy Efficiency and Comfort – Some window treatments can offer insulation from heat and cold, improving the energy efficiency of your home and enhancing your comfort. Solar shades can block solar heat gain and reduce heat transfer.
  • Reduce UV Exposure – Your window treatment can also reduce UV exposure, which can improve your health and extend the lifespan of your carpeting, upholstery, artwork, and other items that could be damaged by sun exposure.

Choosing the Right Type of Light Filtering Window Treatments

It’s important to choose the right type of window treatment. Different styles, fabrics, and designs can affect the function and beauty of your shades and how well they work for your needs. We carry the following types of light filtering window treatments:

  • Solar ShadesDepending on the shades you choose; solar shades can block up to 99% of harmful UV rays. They can also reduce glare and solar heat gain, prevent fading, and offer superior privacy and light control.
  • Roller Shades – Roller shades are made from sheer to moderately opaque fabric. They are manual or automatic and roll upwards to allow for unobstructed views and natural light. When closed, they still allow you to see outside while diffusing natural light into a soft glow.
  • Roman Shades – Roman shades are available in almost any color or fabric. They are elegant and timeless and can range from sheer to mildly opaque. They provide a sleek, minimalist silhouette and complement almost any decor.
  • DrapesDrapes are also available in almost any color, fabric, and design, offering complete control over natural light and privacy.
  • Cellular Shades – Cellular shades have enhanced insulating properties and can reduce solar heat gain and improve the efficiency of your home’s heating and cooling system. They are available in different colors and offer varying levels of light control.
  • Blinds – Wooden, aluminum, and vinyl blinds allow you to adjust the slats or louvers to control the level of natural light in each room. You can choose from a wide range of colors and styles.
  • Woven Shades – Woven shades offer a natural, earthy appearance. They are available in different colors and materials and can be folded up in an accordion style to control natural light and privacy.
Light Filtering Shades in Living Room by Prestigious Blinds

Take Advantage of Our Customization and Design Options

When you choose us for your window treatment design and installation, we’ll work closely with you to make sure the results exceed your expectations. We will visit your home, measure and assess your windows, consider the level of natural light that enters your home, and discuss your vision for your home’s decor and aesthetic. We can then offer options that we think will meet your needs and goals. We carry a wide selection of quality brands, and our window treatments are available in many different colors, designs, and styles. We also can order custom or specialty fabrics. Your window coverings will then be custom-made to perfectly fit your windows and enhance the beauty, comfort, and privacy of your home.

Indoor vs. Outdoor Light Filtering Shades

Indoor window treatments are made from more delicate fabrics and materials, while outdoor window coverings are designed to withstand the elements. Outdoor window shades are more effective at blocking UV rays and preventing solar heat gain and can offer superior temperature control and sun protection. While indoor shades are mounted above the interior window frame, outdoor shades are mounted on the exterior of your home.

Why Choose Prestigious Blinds

At Prestigious Blinds, we have over 20 years of experience helping New Yorkers find the perfect window treatments for their homes and offices. We carry a wide selection of designer, high-quality window treatments in different designs, fabrics, and materials. Our design and installation team will work closely with you to make sure you get the right window coverings to enhance the beauty, comfort, and privacy of your home. We specialize in window blinds, shades, drapes, shutters, insulated curtains, blackout shades, solar shades, and more.

Request a Free Estimate for Window Treatment Installation

Visit our showroom to see examples of our high-quality light filtering window treatments in New York City. You can also call us or contact us online to request a free estimate for window treatment installation. We will visit your home or business, discuss your needs, take measurements, and provide an accurate estimate. We can then help you pick out the perfect window treatments.

Don’t Turn A Blind Eye To Value. Call Us Today At 718-887-8579