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Motorized Shades in New York City

Motorized window treatments allow you to easily control your window shades, blinds, or other coverings using a remote, button, smart home device, or smartphone app. This type of window treatment is highly accessible and functional, making it easier and safer for everyone in your household to adjust your window shades. At Prestigious Blinds, we offer expert recommendations and professional installation of motorized shades in New York City. Visit our showroom or call us now to improve your home’s accessibility, privacy, and comfort.

Motorized Shades installed at home in New York City

Who Should Consider Motorized Window Shades?

Installing motorized window treatments can make it easier to control the level of natural light in your home and improve its privacy. You might consider motorized or automated window treatments if:

  • You have hard-to-reach windows
  • Your windows are extremely tall or oversized
  • You have a smart home and want to integrate your window treatments into your home automation system
  • You want to be able to adjust your shades even when you aren’t home to improve home security
  • You or others in your household have mobility or dexterity issues
  • You want to protect children or pets
  • You want to improve the energy efficiency of your home
  • You want sleek, modern home decor

Choosing the Right Motorized Window Treatments

When choosing automated or motorized window treatments, consider their design and features, how easy they are to use, how they integrate with existing smart home devices, and how they complement your home’s decor. Here is a look at the most common types:

  • Roller Shades – Roller shades are versatile and simple. They are designed with a single sheet of fabric that rolls up and down using a remote control or smartphone app. They are available in a wide range of colors, designs, and materials.
  • Roman Shades – Roman shades are stylish and elegant. They are made from a sheet of fabric that rolls up like an accordion. They are available in a variety of colors, designs, and fabrics.
  • Cellular Shades – Honeycomb shades or cellular shades are made from two or more layers of fabric in a honeycomb pattern. They trap air, improving insulation and energy efficiency and regulating interior temperature. They can be controlled with a remote or smartphone app, raising or lowering to control privacy, visibility, and natural light.
  • Window Blinds – Blinds are made from slats or louvers that can be opened or closed to control natural light and privacy. They can be made from wood, vinyl, metal, or fabric.
Window Motorized Shades in New York City

Exploring Smart Features and Customization Options

You can also choose from an array of smart features and design and customization options. Our design team will visit your home, measure your windows and assess their design and placement, discuss your needs and goals, and make our professional recommendations for the right type of shades for your needs. We carry high-quality, top-of-the-line brands that offer the following smart features and customization options:

  • Power Source – Window coverings can be battery-powered, hard-wired, or solar-powered.
  • Operation – You can control your window treatments via remote control, wall switch or button, voice command, smart home device, or smartphone app.
  • Smart Home Integration – Your window treatments can integrate seamlessly with existing smart home devices like Alexa, Google Nest, and others.
  • Scheduling – You can schedule your blinds or shades to open or close based on your work schedule, vacation schedule, and other schedules.
  • Color, Fabric, and Design – You can customize the type of window treatment, design, color, and fabric or material so that they complement your home’s existing design and decor.

Benefits of Motorized Shades for Windows

Smart shades offer a wide range of benefits for the home and office. Take a look at the key benefits:

  • Improve the energy efficiency of your home and offer greater control over indoor temperatures
  • Reduce your heating and cooling costs over time
  • No need to worry that you forgot to close or open your window shades
  • Reduce the risk of safety issues for children, the elderly, and pets
  • Can be easily programmed to open and close at specific times of day
  • Can be locked remotely to prevent someone from opening or closing them
  • Allow complete control over privacy and natural light
  • Enhance convenience by allowing you to open and close blinds from the bed, the sofa, or anywhere else with the touch of a button
  • Can make it look like someone is home even if you are on vacation or at work
  • Can be easily integrated into existing smart home automation systems
  • Reduce the risk of UV exposure and protect furniture and belongings from UV damage

Motorized Outdoor Shades vs. Indoor Shades

We can install motorized shades inside your home or outside. Interior shades can control natural light, privacy, and security. They are easy to control with the push of a button and can be safely operated by adults, children, and seniors. Exterior shades can block solar heat gain and glare. Exterior shades can be installed over your home’s windows or used on patios, decks, ramadas, and pergolas. They are made from highly durable materials that can withstand extreme temperatures and harsh weather. They can protect outdoor spaces from dust, sun, and weather and protect outdoor living spaces from damage.

Request a Free Estimate for Motorized Shades

At Prestigious Blinds, we can help you enhance your home’s efficiency, comfort, and accessibility with motorized shades. Call us now or contact us online to request a free estimate, and we’ll visit your home and help you choose the right window treatments for your needs. We offer a wide range of different styles, designs, and types of motorized shades in New York City. Our window treatment design team will provide an assessment and estimate and then schedule professional installation.

Don’t Turn A Blind Eye To Value. Call Us Today At 718-887-8579